Sacral Chakra Reading
Chakra series, post #2

March 3, 2023 filed in Tarot

The Sacral Chakra is the seat of creativity, sensuality, and enjoyment of life. Svadhisthana "where your being is established". The Sacral Chakra is all about flow, all about moving through your life and your creative projects like water. This is the Chakra of sensuality, of hot baths and pampering your body with warm oil massages. It is also the Chakra of creation. The womb is here -- this is the seat of reproduction, but it is also where creativity flows from.

What lies below and connects to the root chakra
Reversed Judgment

Interesting that we once again have a reversed card at the seat of this chakra. These reversals definitely speak to a break in the flow of energy through your central channel, the route that energy moves through your body. Reversed Judgment in this position means that you judge yourself too harshly - either your creative endeavors or your sensual desires.

Instead of allowing the energy to rise up from your root (and remember that at that root chakra a magician is holding up his wand, shooting his energy up like magic), you are too busy wondering if you are worthy, if you are good enough. You let your inner persecutor, your self-doubt, stop you from channeling that magical power. You may believe that you are being discerning, that you are ensuring that your work is good, but in fact you are blocking the flow. Discernment can come later, your job now is to let go of the judgment and explore your creativity and your sensuality.

Left Hand or how your feminine energy manifests
Reversed Three of Pentacles

The Three of Pentacles is about working together as a group to achieve something. It is the card of collaboration towards a physical goal. The reversal of this card asks you to find someone to collaborate with, or to heal some relationship in order to move your creativity forward. This could also mean finding or healing a romantic partnership, especially if you are a parent or hope to become one.

Right Hand or how your masculine energy manifests
Seven of Cups

The seven of cups can often mean that you are dreaming of a possible future - some of which are wonderful and some of which are perilous. You must choose wisely which cup you will reach for. In the context of this reading though - I see the Seven of Cups as a warning not to get distracted by dreams of what could be. In some ways, this is the other side of self-judgment.You can spend your time dreaming of what you *could* do or *might* do but this will not serve you. You need to be with your work, in the moment, and allow it to come into being. Dreaming of what you could create can make you disatisfied with what you do create. Use what you actaully produce as the inspiration for growth.

What is to come and connects to the Solar Plexus

As we move up towards the seat of personal power, Temperance reminds you to balance the different flows in your life. Temperance is one of the cardinal virtues and is another powerful card in the central channel - combined with the Magician, Temperance would allow for a perfect balance, an incredibly powerful creative force which could send healing and balance out into the world. You only need to stop the judgment, stop the daydreaming, and let the energy flow!

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Chakra Series

