Citations and Attributions

Cave, Nick. The Red Hand Files - Being at a Crossroads. January, 2024

Lamott, Anne. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life. Pantheon Books, 1994.

Le Guin, Ursula. Wizard of Earthsea. Puffin Books, 1968. pp. 144.

Morrison, Toni. "No Place for Self-Pity, No Room for Fear". The Nation.

Rilke, Rainer Maria. Rilke's Book of Hours. Anita Barrows and Joanne Macy (translators).
New York, New York: Riverhead Books, 2005. pp. 217.

Rumi. Rumi: Fragments, Ecstasies. Daniel Liebert (translator).
New Lebanon, New York: Omega Publications, 1981. pp. 13-14.

Photos by Natasha Nunn unless otherwise specified in the caption of the photo.