March 24, 2023 filed in Tarot
Solar Plexus chakra, Manipuri, little sun. Your power center. Your I AM. Centered just above your belly button the Solar Plexus chakra holds your self-esteem, your confidence, your sense of your own power.
Rising up from the Sacral Chakra the Solar Plexus takes that creative energy and makes it yours, makes it shine through your light.
What lies below and connects to the sacral chakra: Reversed Lovers
Interestingly, the base card of this chakra is the same as the root readings' base card. The Lovers reve
rsed is such an unstable card. I actually think of The Lovers as pretty unstable on their own (some would disagree, but I think of them as young love, the kind that rips through you, leaving you changed and heart-broken, not the love that endures). But reversed I'm going to read this as lack of love for yourself, a feeling that you are not at ease with yourself. Possibly this comes from that reversed judgment in the Sacral Chakra. Did something happen in your childhood that told you that your creativity or your sexual desires were not ok? Repressing and ignoring those natural drives is a sure way to feel at odds with yourself. So how do you flip this card over and learn to love yourself? Some love comes from extrinsic experience, seeing yourself in other people's eyes, accomplishing things, winning. I'm not going to discount how important these can be, but the truest love of yourself comes from sitting still and knowing the truth of your heart, the bliss that you are. Not that this is easy -- I struggle with it -- both finding that feeling and coming back to it. But in the end the best way to strengthen the base of your power center is to find that space within which everything flows, that space that isn't altered by anything external.
Left Hand or how your feminine energy manifests: Reversed Knight of Wands
The feminine side of your self-confidence is frustrated. The knight of Wands is a card of movement, fire and energy -- much like the chariot, but reversed it speaks of confusion, of having abundant energy but not being exactly sure where to put it. The flowing, watery part of yourself is full of power, but it is not moving. Think of a dammed river -- all that power just waiting to break free. I would suggest you dance like a maniac - or scream into a forest - or somehow let the wild woman out.
Right Hand or how your masculine energy manifests: Four of Pentacles
A one of the most stable and grounded cards in the deck. So grounded that it sometimes represents stagnation. Funny that this comes opposite of the Reversed Knight of Wands which is almost the opposite energy. It seems the balance in your personal power centre is off. You have this stable, organized element which is grounded and solid but it is too grounded, not allowing the fire to take off to grow, to travel up your spine and out into the world. Your Solar chakra should be fire, energy, confidence, but it seems that perhaps your confidence is to wrapped up in the stability and isn't allowing for your true fire to emerge.
What is to come and connects to the heart chakra: The Empress
The Empress connects your personal power to your heart chakra. The Empress represents fertility, growth, and beauty. Like the four of pentacles she represents earth, but this is an earth that has magically transformed sun and water into endless fecundity. If you connect to your heart your confusion and imbalance will create something beautiful. It is all there, but your confidence will grow if you allow your heart to open.